Having organization in your home’s garage is tough. There are so many things to keep track of, and finding the right place for everything can be hard. But there are ways to make it a little easier. We’ve got some storage ideas that might help you keep all of your car parts and tools oragnized, no matter what space you have available.
1. Stack The Shelves
Keeping all of your things in one place can be a nightmare. Stacks of shoes or books may have been the best way to store them before you made it to adulthood. But those things aren’t work in a garage unless you are stacking shoes one on top of the other and trying to forget about the mess underneath. Instead, get creative with your storage. Think about what you want for items like tools and other small bits and pieces that would be great to grab whenever you need them. The perfect tool can be a lifesaver, but if you don’t know where it is, you might as well not have it at all.
2. Keep It Rotatable and Organized
A rotating piece of furniture makes it easy to set a few things on and then turn the entire thing around to store everything else. It’s like a mini-coat rack for your garage. There are even options that let you turn a row of storage items into something resembling an ironing board when cleaning or just folding laundry. The right amount of rotation will make sure that you have everything easily accessible and not just cluttering up the room.
3. Use a Bookshelf and Get Creative
This is a great way to store small items that you aren’t too worried about falling on the floor. Just make sure that you keep them out of the way. A large bookshelf might seem like a more expensive option, but it can actually be cheaper than buying things from low-cost stores or trying to find that perfect item on the clearance rack. Plus, it will help you neatly organize all of your other stuff without having to worry about all those little books and magazines going everywhere. You could even make a bookcase out of wooden crates or even gabions.
Suppose you need space to work on a project or have items that you don’t want to get movable in your space; consider creating a little table in the garage. All you need are some boards, nails, and screws. A simple table like this one can greatly help you with organization and organization as well. You can keep things like tools and other miscellaneous items away from the floor by creating a little shelf for them to sit on. Just make sure that everything is organized properly before deciding to start working on something of your own creation.
In conclusion, these are some awesome ideas that you can use to help with organization and make your garage look a little more organized. All you have to do is figure out how you want your garage to look and then select the best option for your needs.