Whether you’re the proud owner of a luxury car – or something a little more modest, if you enjoy driving, you’ll want to get the most out of your experience behind the wheel. Unless you’re fortunate enough to be able to upgrade to the latest model year on year, this may mean making a series of tech and performance tweaks on your own initiative.
For a little pocket money – and with just a little knowhow, you can reliably enhance your car’s performance, functionality and curb appeal. That’s right, a few well placed tweaks here and there can transform an unassuming runabout into a sporty head-turner!
But, what improvements would make the biggest impact for you and your car? We’ve collated a list with five of our favorite upgrades that will give virtually any car the ‘wow factor’! When correctly implemented, we believe the difference made to your vehicle will be transformative. Are you ready to elevate your car to the next level? Let’s get started, then …
Wheel Spacers
Wheel spacers are sought-after upgrades among petrolheads who want to widen the track on their car. Aside from sprucing up your wheel’s styling, wheel spacers can be used to affix a set of alloys that wouldn’t fit without them.
They can also be used to increase the track width, which achieves the effect of making your car appear wider, in addition to helping each wheel ‘fill’ the arch. You can also benefit from greater stability, as wheel spacers also help to improve the roll of the chassis.
With the potential to overhaul your car’s looks, handling and performance, the decision to invest in a set of good quality wheel spacers should be a no-brainer!
Hydraulic Handbrake
Most cars, modern and vintage come equipped with a cable handbrake as standard. Although this is adequate for most standard motoring maneuvers, if you’re interested in motorsports racing, or driving for fun, you’ll need a touch more handbraking power. The hydraulic handbrake is the gold standard for motorsports racers and enthusiasts alike.
With a standard handbrake, repeated and strained use over time can stretch the cables – and potentially snap them, which can lead to all manner of problems. If your driving routine incorporates handbrake turns, ‘donuts’ on empty car parks and quick stops at speed, you’ll be much better off with a hydraulic handbrake!
Window Tinting
The next upgrade on our list ranks consistently high on the wishlists of racers and modders – and it’s easy to see why. A classic window tint can instantly bolster any car’s sport appeal. However, contrary to popular belief, its benefits don’t end there.
Tinted windows can also be useful in preventing your car’s interior from fading by blocking UV rays. As such, tinting your windows is a great way to prevent depreciation and keep your car looking great as the years go on. What’s more, tinted windows can even cut the likelihood of road accidents, as they reduce the intensity of the sun’s glare and bright lights, which can easily distract drivers with standard windows.
You can commission window tinting from as little as £150 – and achieve impressive results. Some motorists tint their cars themselves, however, we would generally advise against this if you do not have the necessary equipment and experience.
If you are considering tinting your windows, please bear in mind that in order to be road legal in the UK, the front windscreen windows must allow at least 75% of light to pass through, and the front side windows must allow at least 70%.
‘Short Throw’ Gear Shifter
Many drivers find that the ‘stock’ gear shifts that come with their cars simply don’t cut the mustard and are clunky to operate.As the name suggests, a ‘short throw’ gear shifter, is a gear stick that enables drivers to change gears with shorter movements.
Despite being one of the cheapest upgrades on our list (with decent shifters starting from as little as £20), a new ‘short throw’ shift can allow you to perform tighter gear shifts, lending a more responsive feel to your vehicle. This is good news for racers and indeed any appreciators of a smooth, controlled driving experience! They’re relatively simple to install and can make an instant difference to your vehicle’s handling.
LED Lighting
An eye-catching LED setup can add panache to a standard car interior. Whether you opt for a blue, purple, green, or multi-coloured aesthetic, your new LED lighting setup will set the mood for your next night drive perfectly!
You don’t need to be concerned about draining your car’s power either – LED lights don’t need much to run like a dream. They’re also considerably brighter than standard light bulbs and hard wearing too. So much so, that they may well outlast your car. You shouldn’t need to shell out for more anytime soon.
There’s no need to break the bank either. In fact, you can bag yourself a good set of USB LED lights from just £10!
Thanks for Reading – Happy Modding!
We hope you enjoyed our latest article and now have plenty of inspiration for how to get even more from your driving experience. No matter what you decide on, we wish you the very best of luck with your next upgrade project!