5 Car Packing Strategies For Trips

Heading out on a trip with your friends this summer? Heading out on road trips is one of the best things about owning a vehicle, but figuring out where to put everyones stuff can put a damper on the fun. To make sure that you pack for your trip effectively, follow these five packing tips, especially if you’re driving with a lot of people in a small car.

  1. Let your passengers know about space

If your driving with a full car of people, let them know how much luggage makes sense for your vehicle. Driving with a full car means the only real space for luggage is the trunk, so plan on having one small bag per person. If your trip is long or requires a lot of equipment, like a camping trip, divide up vehicles, allocating more space for whatever needs to come with you.

  1. Pack items you need access to last

Nothing is more annoying than having to search through all of your carefully packed luggage to find things that you need for your trip. When you’re packing up the car, leave things like drinks, snacks, entertainment, electronics, and sweaters out and pack them last. Having these things readily available will make your trip run much more smoothly, and keep your car neatly packed.

  1. Be mindful of your load limit

This is especially important if you decide to put your luggage in a trailer or have anything else attached to the back of your car. Each vehicle has a specific load limit, and the last thing you want is for your car to breakdown in the middle of your trip. You may also want to check your tire pressure to make sure that you’re all set to go for your trip.

  1. Make sure you maintain visibility

When packing for your trip, make sure that you still have visibility on all sides of your vehicle. It’s extremely important for the safety of your trip, and it can be extremely dangerous to have your windows blocked by luggage. If you find that you have a lot of stuff that you’re taking with you, consider storing some of it under your passengers feet or asking them to hold things on their laps.

  1. Pack enough snacks for the duration of your drive

Even if you’re going to be stopping, it will shave time off your drive if you don’t have to wait for your passengers to order food. Pack things strategically, so that you’re not rummaging around in a tight space for your snack items. Keep drinks packed separately, and things that don’t need refrigeration in bags. Have a designated passenger whose responsibility is handing out snacks and meal items so that you can keep things clean and organized during your trip.

Packing properly when you’re heading on a road trip will save you and your passengers time and effort. As always, make sure that your insurance policy is up to date before you get on the road, and that you are adequately covered for assistance. If your car insurance policy isn’t meeting your current needs, compare it to other top rates in the market to ensure you receive the best price possible.

Author: Mike