5 Reasons to Buy an Electric Car

Are you considering buying an electric car? If so, who could blame you? They offer a range of benefits, both for drivers and the planet. With electric vehicle registration having more than doubled to 25, 000 in the last year, it’s fast becoming a popular vehicle choice among UK drivers. 

Let’s explore the five main benefits to find out why…

  • Eco-friendly driving 

As you’ll no doubt know already, vehicles that run on fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This greenhouse gas then adds more heat to the atmosphere, which then becomes trapped – and this, of course contributes to global warming. Electric cars, however, are designed to emit a far lower level of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And so, they offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional models. 

Don’t own a car yourself, but want to borrow an electric one? Head to a dealership like Zen Auto, and you’ll be able reduce your carbon footprint when you lease a car. 

  • Healthier for pedestrians 

Electric cars aren’t just built for the greater good – they can also benefit people on a local scale, too. That’s because they’re typically designed to release very little air pollution. Drive an electric vehicle, and you’ll be able to reduce your effect on local air quality. 

Electric vehicles tend to have an especially positive effect in cities, where landscapes are often more dense and walking spaces tend to be smaller. Helping to improve the air for passers-by, you can enjoy greater peace of mind when you drive. 

  • Cheaper to run 

Obviously, electric cars don’t require petrol or diesel, as they’re powered by batteries. While charging costs can vary depending on where you re-charge (charging at home, for example, could be cheaper than doing so at a public port), it’s usually cheaper to re-power an electric car than a traditional model. For cost-effective driving, look no further than an electric car! 

  • Discount on buying 

Want to buy an electric car, but are worried about buying costs? Don’t be! Thanks to a current government scheme, if you buy a low-emission car in the UK, you can apply for a discount of £3, 500 on the purchase price. This is just one of many incentives to invest in an eco-friendly vehicle. 

  • Future promises  

A lower buying price isn’t the only incentive to join the electric car revolution – further cost-effective promises have been made by the government. This October, the Department for Transport has announced plans to issue green coloured number plates to zero-emission cars. The idea is that green number plates will work as visual signifiers for local authorities, so that electric car owners may be entitled to perks like using bus or other priority lanes. 

Electric cars can bring a number of benefits for drivers – so, why not invest in one? After all, you could reduce costs, your effect on the planet and improve air quality if you do. By the way, I recently found an excellent article that describes the real experience of using an electric car over a long distance – traveling across Africa

Author: Brandon Park