CarScoops Is Looking For News Writers, Come Join Us

If you’re in the know on all things automotive, obsessively following news stories and trends in the car industry and want to put your writing and thoughts in front of our readers, then you’re at the right place. We’re looking to expand our team withExperienced writers available to work remotely.


We are paying your attention. Continue reading.


We are available to answer any questions at info(at)carscoops.comUse the subject line “New Writers”, don’t forget that, as we might not see it otherwise.


The Ideal Candidate


1) You must have at minimum two years of experience in writing original news stories, reviews or car reviews for an English-language automotive website.


2) You can research, proofread and fact-check your articles before uploading them.


3) Keep up to date with the most recent news about cars, technology, and other events within the global automotive industry.


4) Always be on the lookout Breaking and fascinating stories Throughout the day, and always have Beware of strong news reports Critical thinking and analysis


5) Access to and knowledge of Car manufacturer press/media sites 


6) A working knowledge of the Internet, Social Media Tools and Photo Editing Software


7) Be committed At least 5 complete articles per jourMajor car-related events: More


8) Basic understanding of the copyright laws


9) Ability to adapt, and communication skills. We’re a group!


10) At the moment, We are primarily interested in candidates who live and work in this area. USA. However, We will accept applications from Australia, Canada and the UK in due course.


How Do I Apply


We will respond to your email by indicating the subject “New Writers”You can find more information here info(at)carscoops.comOr just Click here() offeringLinks to previous and current workWhat is the point? you’d like to join our team.


Now comes the final step. Please add some information about youAttach your resume (yes, it is possible to attach your resume), along with your list of social media sites and forums that you use daily for your news. Also, any references.


Every word will be read and understood by us. if we think you’re a match, we will contact youGet more details. It is possible that not all email addresses will be responded to..


CarScoops is the sole owner of all information you provide.





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Author: Brandon Park