Since the genesis of HaulerHub in 2019, the Brooklyn-based company has strived to grow into a recognizable full-service tech platform in the logistics and transportation industry. The primary objective of the company was to cut out the middlemen and provide a direct communication infrastructure between the logistic parties involved.
With as little as 3PL fees, clients across the world can reach haulers of choice easily, saving them time and money.
More importantly, there are a myriad of logistic partners to choose from on this platform. Through streamlining of communications between haulers and shippers, the platform has helped expedite the processes of shipping to any part of the world.
More importantly, HaulerHub has provided small independent haulers with an opportunity to compete with the big players in the logistic industry. Now more than ever, shippers can get their freight delivered quickly and safely while partnering up with reliable haulers.
The Process
Two of the most annoying things that surrounds the shipping industry include, filling the cumbersome paperwork and dealing with middlemen who you’re not even sure you can trust. Thanks to HaulerHub, these challenges are now behind us.
HaulerHub is a customized platform that allows shippers to deliver cargo on time. The platforms take care of the paperwork and it’s user-friendly.
The process of placing an order involves:
- Shippers registering their freight and specifying its destination on the platform
- Interested haulers make a bid on shipper’s freight based on their service capacity and capabilities
- The shipper makes a decision based on the bidding quotes and the haulers’ information
- Once the shipping process is initiated the shipper can track their freight 24/7 in real-time
The process is simple and can be done on a phone or a PC. With the application of artificial intelligence tech, HaulerHub facilitates a seamless process and fast transactions.
Why HaulerHub is the Best
Cheaper Shipping Solutions
With just a standard fee of 3PL, haulers and shippers mitigate the cost associated with middlemen. The platform allows interested parties to communicates directly. More importantly, the hidden fees associated with third parties are a thing of the past.
Every shipper’s nightmare is handling cumbersome paperwork. The hours associated with cargo running and tracking the flow of traffic are long, not to mention the time spent looking for a credible hauler, in negotiations, and requesting quotes.
But thanks to HaulerHub, the next-gen tech they use on the platform helps a client get tailored solutions for their shipping needs. Their process is transparent, a scenario that aids in expediting the shipping process and minimizing stacks of paperwork.
Effective and Efficient
Shippers’ needs may vary slightly. But many clients want their freight to get to them in one piece, faster, and for the lowest price. And this is exactly what the HaulerHub platform is providing to its customers by directly aligning shippers with haulers.
The platform allows a shipper to choose a logistic company that matches their individual needs while keeping the shipping cost low. Through these tailored processes, client receives their freight effectively and efficiently.
Peace of mind
Few things beat the peace that comes with knowing your valuable freight is in safe hands. HaulerHub platform provides a 24/7 way to track your cargo in real-time while it’s en route to its destination. You can also reach their support any time of the day.
More importantly, the platform only partners with credible logistic partners who have a track record of delivering. By using our state-of-the-art tech platform, you sleep better at night with a guarantee that your freight will get to you on schedule.
Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Logistic Businesses
COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the supply and chain industry. Apart, from strict containment measures being enacted in many countries, the logistic industry faced serious cybersecurity concerns. The need for advanced tech in shipping skyrocketed.
And now more than ever, the supply and chain industry is in great demand in the distribution of medical supplies and vaccines. The Good news is that the HaulerHub platform helps clients and haulers do business while observing COVID-19 safety protocols—from the safety of their homes.
The tech allows interested parties to conduct business with minimal interaction in a user-friendly and personalized platform.
To know more about HaulerHub, contact them or visit their website.