The cars you purchase for your company are likely to be among the most expensive assets you have. Whether they’re simple sedans your professionals take with you to client meetings, or corporate trucks, your vehicles are going to take a chunk out of your budget. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you have the right tools in place to protect them.
One of the most powerful tools of all is video recording. Perfect for tracking everything from what happens around your car when it’s parked, to who’s responsible for a collision, a recording device should be one of the first things you buy when you’re sorting out your company’s fleet. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most valuable ways these simple solutions can help to protect your company’s investments.
Added Protection
The first and most obvious way to use recordings to defend your business vehicles is with security monitoring. When vehicles are parked either at the office or in a warehouse, they need to be watched constantly. Any company can become a victim of theft, vandalism, and other crimes. Having a CCTV system in place will help to ensure you can get the insurance payments you need if anything goes wrong. After all, you’ll need to prove that an incident was covered by your policy.
The second most beneficial way you can use cameras to protect your cars is with dashcam surveillance. These cameras don’t just record journeys, they can also be set up to trigger immediate recordings whenever motion is detected. This means if a car is parked outside of your employees’ house, or a client’s home, it will still record anyone who attempts to break in.
Finally, a recording system in your corporate vehicle also gives you an insight into things like driver safety. This can be fantastic when you need insights into where you should be training your fleet. The same technology is also fantastic for dealing with potential threats in the moment. As you can see in an online guide into the benefits of fleet dash cams with live streaming features. You can even get members of your team to view an incident in real-time to help guide your drivers through dangerous situations and collect evidence for insurance purposes.
Are Vehicle Recording Tools a Good Investment?
Outside of the three benefits above, cameras also offer a host of other advantages, like the ability to see into your blind spots when reversing or parking, so you can protect the vehicle from scratches and dents. AI-enhanced devices built into car dashes can even detect potential collision risks and other issues instantly, providing guidance to anyone behind the wheel. While there are a host of other tools companies can use to protect their vehicles, the right recording device is still one of the most effective solutions on the market. No other technology gives you the same combination of evidence for your insurance claims, and data to make your fleet drivers more productive and efficient than ever.