Every year nearly 2 million car accidents occur. A quarter of the people injured in these accidents spend over 30 days in the hospital.
This happens long from home on a sunny day when the driver forgets to put their sunglasses on.
These accidents are caused by a simple mistake but could be easily avoided with proper preparation. To help you protect your eyes while driving, you need to know your state’s window tint laws.
Keep reading this article to learn everything you need to know about auto window tint and tint percentage before you begin your journey.
Identifying Legal Window Tint Restrictions
Whether auto window tint is legal largely depends on the car tint percentages. It is illegal to put any tint on the windshield, except for a 5-inch strip near the top of the windshield. The front side windows must have a VLT (Visible Light Transmission) of at least 28%, while back side windows may have a VLT of as low as 5%.
The back window must also have a VLT of at least 15%. Certain states and countries may have more stringent tint regulations, so it is always important to double-check state laws before tinting the windows on a vehicle. It is also important to note that any tinting must follow the direct measure of VLT, not the percentage of tinting, as it may vary drastically from one country to the next.
Also, different types of window tinting include dye-based, metallic, non-reflective, and reflective tints. Each type can have an impact on the legalities and should always be taken into account when choosing a window tint.
Benefits of Legal Auto Window Tinting
Tinted car windows are generally legal, although regulations vary by state. Tinting can reduce glare from the sun and provide privacy without blocking the driver’s view. Legal tints can also protect the interior, reduce fading, and reduce the harmful UV rays entering the vehicle.
Further, window tint can add a touch of style to any vehicle, without violating the law. The reduced glare also helps improve road safety, as drivers can more clearly see the road and the surroundings without distractions.
Additionally, legal tints provide enhanced security, so drivers feel a greater sense of security while traveling.
Potential Legal Penalties for Non-Compliance
Auto window tint is legal up to a certain point, depending on the state you live in, but if you don’t adhere to the regulations, there are potential legal penalties. Depending on the amount of tint, where you live, and the severity of the violation, there could be a variety of punishments.
In some cases, the penalty could be as small as a warning or a fine, but in more severe cases, the car may be confiscated, and the driver could also experience legal action.
In addition, it’s important to be aware of any changes in legislation regarding window tint for your state or region. Ensuring your tint complies with applicable laws is the best way to avoid potential legal penalties.
Understanding if Auto Window Tint Is Legal
Overall, auto window tint is legal in most states in the U.S. However, laws and regulations vary widely and ensure to check with your local police department before tinting your windows.
Take caution to ensure you remain within the legal limits of your area.
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