The Pros and Cons of Driving a Small Car

Nimble and lightweight, small cars offer plenty to like, especially for city dwellers who might struggle to live with a standard estate or SUV. Smaller cars can be financed through online lenders like Go Car Credit, and they might tempt many drivers. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of downscaling.

The Pros of a Smaller Car

Nippier Driving

With less weight to carry around, small cars benefit from easier handling, less inertia, and greater acceleration. If you’re used to driving something big, then the transition might be a little unnerving – you might feel as though you’re driving a go-cart. But once you’ve gotten over this, the experience is a positive one.

Easier Parking

Drivers of small cars will have a much greater breadth of options when it comes to parking. Not only are those cosier spaces available to you, but you’ll have an easier time sliding into them.

Superior Fuel Economy

Less weight to propel means less energy coming from fuel. Thus, smaller cars will tend to attain far superior fuel economy. Still, it’s worth checking out the precise figure you’re getting, especially if you’re comparing newer cars with older ones.

The Cons of a Small Car

Less room for luggage

Obviously, a smaller car is not going to be able to offer you quite the same amount of room in the boot. Think about the amount of stuff you are regularly carrying, and the size of the packages you carry on a not-so-regular basis. If you are regularly transporting a drum kit or bulky sports equipment, then you might find that fitting everything in becomes a little bit of a struggle.

Less room for people

Likewise, in a smaller car, passengers are going to enjoy less legroom than they otherwise might. If you are taking on multiple passengers, you might find that their weight noticeably affects the driving experience. After all, their weight constitutes a greater proportion of the overall weight of the vehicle.


One concern that tends to perturb many is the fact that smaller cars will almost always come off worse when they are in major collisions with larger ones. This worry sets off a sort of arms race, where motorists compete to be the biggest vehicle on the road. If you’re concerned about safety, then it’s worth looking at ratings from agencies like Euro NCAP rather than relying on your subjective feeling of safety. 

Author: Brandon Park