There are plenty of signs to indicate that you need to replace your old car tires. Visual inspecting is not the only way to check your car tires. To know when to replace the tires, you also need to measure or an alignment.
This article will show you 5 signs that say your car needs new tires. It is usually a great idea to find out when you should replace the vehicle tires and you may avoid some dangerous blowouts on your way.
5 Signs Warning You About Tires Replacement
1. Tread depth
The tire’s tread is crucial and has a certain impact on your vehicle beyond your thought. For instance, it might impact directly how your car stops regardless of the seasons or driving conditions. Besides that, it might also influence your driving performance under hazardous conditions.
As you may know, in general, the tread depth should always be above 1.6 millimeters. In case your vehicle does not run the drag radials, you can think of following this instruction. If you frequently drive on wet or slick roads, you need to tread that depth twice at least to keep the traction at a safer level.
Also, you should check the tire tread depth regularly. Except for the penny test, you can use the depth gauge that you can buy at the local automobile parts store. This gage acts as the mechanics.
2. Sidewall’s cracks
This issue seems to be the easiest when checking your car tires. You will look at your vehicle and identify the cracks when you walk towards your car. Thus, a quick check through your eyes will benefit you in this situation.
Then, the more important thing is to differentiate between the non-threatening cracks and the sidewall’s serious cracks. First, about the non-threatening cracks, they may not even crack at all. To be more serious caring, you can use the magnifying glass in order to zoom out slight cracks.
Besides, the serious cracks are those that you can see from a far distance by your naked eyes. These serious cracks might be similar to deep cuts. As you can guess, the deep cuts or cracks show that your tires possibly might develop a leak.
In case many deep cracks or cuts appear a lot, your tire will blow, and you will fall into the worse situation.
3. Tire vibrations
Normally, nobody takes vibration seriously as driving in bad road conditions will create vibrations sometimes. Also, there are some other reasons behind this issue such as the ball joint problem or shocks beginning to go.
However, sometimes, the unbalanced or misaligned tires can also lead to vibration. In some other situations, when the wheel balancing cannot fix the issue, there might be internal problems with the tires themselves.
If there are internal issues, it is better to take your car to professional mechanics to have a quick check. Then, they can determine the problem, cause, and source for you.
4. Bulge or lump, skin blisters, and bumps
It is also easy to identify the lumps and blisters on the tires. Also, you can depend on these bulges and blisters to sort out some potential and serious problems.
The tire’s surface might weaken over time, leading to the lump or blister appearing. But don’t worry as these problems are easy for you to recognize. It will be like a spot sticking out, so it is quite stand out in comparison with the rest.
However, when this spot becomes weakened, the air pressure cannot be handled well. Thus, it might result in a bump or possibly a blowout. If you find any spots, you should change your tires immediately.
5. The indicator bar of tread wear
Checking for tire tear and wear on new tires by the indicator bar seems to be more straightforward. The newer tire may have the indicator bar built inside the tires.
When the tread has worn over its safe depth, the bar will be visible. By contrast, if the tires are new or like-new, the indicator bars are invisible.
The bar runs around the tire’s center and perpendicular to the direction of the tread. It is difficult to miss if your car tread becomes low. In case you see one or two bars, it means that the tread is dangerously low. It is time to have your car tires replaced.
Some Tips to Supervise Your Vehicle Tires
Tire balancing
As you may know, unbalanced tires will lead to rapid and uneven vibration or tread wear. Then, the tread might wear prematurely.
In contrast, the balanced tires are good at protecting the steering system, your car’s bearings, and the suspension. When you change into a new tire, the tires’ balance will get disturbed. This problem also happens if the weight of the existing tires is removed.
So, the only solution for this problem is to have your car tires balanced at once so that you can make sure of a longer lifespan.
Tire valves
Valves are often made of rubber, and they will get deteriorated and cracked. Some factors that influence them can be temperature conditions or severe weather. When the valves bend, the air loss will interfere and bring along the dirt and dust particles.
To keep the valves in good condition, you should check them on a regular basis. By doing that, you can keep the correct pressure and the air-tight seal to maintain the longer tires’ lives.
Tire pressure
It is important to check the car pressure time frequently. Also, pay attention to the tire pressure as it ranges for various companies. For the safety of your car tires, you should consult your car manual or check on the car door. You may find a label guiding you about the proper tire pressure.
Above are 5 Signs that say your car needs new tires and some solutions to take care of the tires. One tip when you replace your car tires is to get all tires swapped out. Besides, you should have them aligned so that your car can negotiate the roads appropriately.