Did you know that as soon as the temperate hits 7 degrees and below in winter you should change your all-season tires to winter tires?
The oldest question is if you have all-season tires on your vehicle, do you need to change to winter tires? The quick answer is yes. You should fit winter tires on your car when the weather drops, whether or not snow is in the air!
To really understand winter tires vs all-season tires, you need to learn the difference between the two types of tires. Every driver has requirements that may vary based on the climate and weather conditions in your region. Below we compare winter and all-season tires to help you decide which is best for your driving style in the winter.
Winter Tires vs All-Season Tires Characteristics
Let’s face it: all-season (or all-year) tires are tougher than winter tires. That’s what makes them last longer than winter tires. It also lowers driving noise.
But winter tire pressure makes winter tires softer than summer tires for colder weather. They also give up winter tire endurance for summer traction. The material hardens quicker than winter tires at low temperatures.
In severe driving conditions, all-season tires inevitably sacrifice braking and handling. However, they perform nicely in mild weather and light snow.
Winter tires can withstand temperatures as low as -7°C. Even in chilly weather, they are flexible. Unfortunately, they get much softer at 7.0°C. So they can’t and shouldn’t be used in hot weather. That’s when they lose their safe driving traits.
Winter tires have a lower density and, therefore, greater grip on snow and ice. All-season or summer tires are quieter. They also wear faster, particularly if misused. Winter tires are known to help drivers in snowy or icy conditions.
Winter Tires vs All-season Tire Performance
All-season tires combine the best of both summer and winter tires. That’s why all-season tires need more time to come to a stop on dry and wet surfaces. However, the braking distance is still less than a winter tire. For snow, the situation is reversed: while all-season tires perform admirably on snow, they fall short of winter tires.
For the most part, All-season tires do a good job of meeting the requirements of the typical driver, particularly in 4×4’s such as https://www.ozzytyres.com.au/news/4×4-mag-wheels-for-sale/.
Don’t Skid to a Stop!
Many vehicles now come fitted with all-season tires right off the assembly line. That makes sense, given that they’re designed to provide a relatively quiet ride, all-season functioning, and long tread life.
All-Season tires don’t always have the traction and handling of summer tires, and they don’t have the severe grip needed to drive on snow or ice.
Prepare your car for winter now, rather than waiting for the first frost. With winter tires vs all-season tires, winter tires provide solid stopping power, dependable handling, and exceptional grip for the cold weather, snow, ice, and anything else winter tosses at you!